Wednesday, October 15, 2014

September 2014

Wow, its been a month... time flies when you're having fun!!!
This month we jumped right into... everything!!! New songs, new themes, and new routines, all with our lovely new and returning students.  They brighten up my day, and give me a wonderful reason to get up on tuesdays and thursdays!

On the first day of school we talked about circles. The observed Mr. Robot spinnning round and round to make circles on the floor, this really got them curious, and gave me a chance to start a conversation with them. We also had a few centers at the tables, testing things that roll, and playdough,.  All in all, i hope i got a chance to touch base with all the parents, i had a lovely time meeting all your wonderful children!

In the weeks that followed we took it kinda easy, giving a chance to get settled into routine. They all very quickly fell in love with our "Shake your body down" song by Laurie Berkner.  She is my favorite kids singer, and almost ALL the songs i use are from her.  (you can look them up on youtube!)  They also love all the flannel board stories and enjoy books in general.  In circle we usually try to give some time to hear what the kids have to share (which would take the whole day if i let them ;) ), but i try to listen as much as i can.  If i don't get to them in circle time, i try to sit with them during snack time so they can tell me their stories!


Activities have included our circle of friends picture, which was a reminder of how we should act towards everyone in class, our family pictures, in which they cut out their own hearts (i try to give them as much cutting practice as possible!), Handprints collage (which was a group effort, i will use for our yearbook ia), animal habitats activity which took us into our pet theme.  The kids all decided they wanted a pet fish.  We will be getting our "mechanical" fish to take home starting next week ia. i just want to make a chart first so kids know when its their turn and be aware of the pet rules.  We also had a visit from some very cute bunnies, tortoise, and donkey friends from "Once Upon a Pony". We practiced using our gentle hands, and quiet voices around animals.  Lastly we learned about our home, and most importantly the bait Allah, the Kaba. The kids just adore the flannel board story of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismaeel.  They all listen so intently, wide eyed, mashaAllah, they are at such a beautiful age, where stories are so real for them!


In Arabic we learned the letter Alif for ab (father) and um (mother), they also learned the letter Baa for bayt (house).  We have split the groups into two according to their skill level/age level.  One group is learning from Surah Asr onwards, and the other group is learning from Fatiha, and Nas onwards.  This way we get to do activities geared to the specific needs of the smaller groups.  We have ordered the Arabic for Beginners books, and will be sending them home as soon as we get them. Please remember that this is supplemental material to do at home at the parents discretion.  Many kids in our class are interested in writing their names and are encouraged to practice writing the letters as we go over them in class.  If your child is not ready to sit down and write, please DO NOT FORCE THEM.  We have a multi age group in the class, and do not want children to be pushed to write. Rather you are receiving this book so that you can plug it in, as you feel your children grow and show interest in it.  Thank you for your cooperation on this matter! Please feel free to review surahs with your children at home, they are encouraged to listen as often as possible!

Volunteering Responsibilities:

By now i have contacted many of you regarding your parent participation job this year.  As you are needed i am sending out emails to let you know details of your position.  Please be patient as each of these are long emails, and i get very little emailing time.  If i haven't already, I promise to email you soon as i get a chance!

As for in class duties, I wanted to thank all the parents who have come in so far.  It will be  hard the first time to find the flow, but ia, as you go through your first rounds, you will get an idea of how things work and where things are.  Just as a friendly reminder:
*please try to clean up tables before and after snack, and activities
*snack plates need to be rinsed and dried and put back in orange bins (ia the children's plates will come in the mail soon!)
*please try to sit with the children during snack time
*join in on group time if you are not busy prepping or cleaning
*the more we clean up together, the less i have to stay longer to put things back, if you can help rinse out art supplies, trays, sweep, or anything, this will help me get out of there faster.  (i teach another class and need to leave promptly at 1pm)
JazakAllah khair for all your hardwork and efforts! The classroom cannot function without your help!

Anything else?

Yes, a parent brought up the question about why we go to the pumpkin patch, and i thought the answer would be beneficial to all parents.  During this season our children see an abundant amount of pumpkins everywhere.  We like to take advantage of the fact that one of the Prophet (S) favorite foods, can be learned about so easily.  I like to make things clear for the kids, right is right and wrong is wrong.  Drawing and coloring on food is WRONG.  We don't do that for any other food before we eat it, so we shouldn't for pumpkins either.  Wasting food, (like leaving pumpkins out to rot on purpose), or throwing them etc. is WRONG.  This is not what our Prophet (S) would have encouraged, especially as many people do not even have food to eat!  I want the children to love this season for all the RIGHT reasons!  Pumpkins are healthy, their seeds are healthy!  They can be cooked in a variety of ways and are versatile food! This season brings us harvest, learning how seeds grow, we can appreciate the hard work put in by the farmers, and the joy of having yields of fruit for the winter. A blessing from Allah!  Aaisha (Sabreen's Mom) is our class field trip coordinator. She has already talked to them about how we do not celebrate Halloween, and the guide will be talking about how the pumpkins grow from seed to fruit, and how they harvest them.  We will be taking pumpkins home to do experiments with, like guessing how many seeds inside, feeling the mush and hallowing it out, finding similarities and differences between seeds, and the relationship of size of seed to fruit grown. We will also be making pumpkin soup! A wonderful treat as the weather becomes more and more chilly!

In general, i want our children to be exposed to whats happening around them so they can start to think critically in order to make good conscious decisions for themselves,  InshaAllah!   Ia they will get a chance to practice in taking the good from our communites, and leaving the bad!

That's all folks!
If i forgot anything, I'll add to the weekly newsletters!
If you got this far reading this... you're awesome!

Until next time...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

2014-2015 Calendar and Routine

Classes Meet Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am-12:30pm

10:00-11:00    Circle & 1st Activity
11:00-11:15    Snack
11:15-12:00   Arabic
12:00-12:30   Tuesday's Activity, Thursday's P.E.

12:30-12:45   Closing and Clean Up


                     MCA Babysitting Room

Tuesday 2nd:  No Class, Labor Day Holiday
Thursday 4th: Meet and Greet
Tues. 9th: First Day of Class

Tues. 7th: Eid Al Adha Holiday, No Class
Thurs. 8th: Eid Party

Tues. 11th: No Class, Veteran's Day Holiday
Thurs. 27th: No Class, Thanksgiving Holiday

Tues. 23rd: No Class, Holiday
Thurs: 25th: No Class, Holiday
Tues. 30th: No Class Holiday

Thurs. 1st: No Class, Holiday



Tues. 14th: No Class, Spring Break
Thurs. 16th: No Class, Spring Break

Thurs. 28th: Graduation Day

Come See What We're Up To...

Starting this Fall, please visit this page often to find out about upcoming events, holidays, and reminders.  We will also post pictures of things we've been discovering in class.  This year we will try to communicate all information through the blogsite, so please make sure to click on the "follow" button so you may get an email every time we add new information!
JazakAllah khair!
New school year.. here we come!!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April and May 2010

Newsletter April and May 2010

Assalam alaikum,

InshaAllah all these April showers will bring lots of May flowers! Alhamdulillah my garden is already in bloom with 15 blossoming children…. in this last month inshaallah you’ll be “picking” up some beautiful mature children who have grown right in front of my eyes! What a blessing it has been to have such great children and wonderful parents this past year! This newsletter will be jam-packed with information of upcoming events in April to the end of May. Mid-May will be the last of our thematic units, and the last two weeks will focus on daily themes and field trip days. Thanks for a great year!

Important Dates/Reminders
Week of April 12-16 Spring Break, No School
Sat. April 24, “Going Wild with Nature” Children’s Faire, Children’s Discovery Museum, 10:30-3pm
Fri. April 23rd: Field Trip Steven’s Creek Dam/hiking
Wed. April 28th: Field Trip Petco (TBC)
Thurs. May 13th:Field Trip Fujitsu Planetarium @De Anza College (TBC) $12
Sat. May 15th: Hands on Art Festival, Sunnyvale Community Center, 10-4pm, Teacher Lubna and Teacher Zakia will be having a booth on Islaimc Calligraphy where children can engage in a Islamic tiled mosaic project! Seeya there!
Fri. May 21st: Raynor Park Field Trip, Pick-up children from the park.
Tues. May 25th: Field Trip Silliman Swim Center, Newark, $8
**all children must be accompanied with an adult for safety reasons!
Fri. May 28th: Last Day of School, Graduation starts at promptly at 5:30pm.

Special Theme Days: Please have child dress accordingly for acivities.

Wed. May 19th: Circus Day:

We’ll be putting on a show with our own 3-Ringed circus. Come watch as the kids turn into acrobats, ballerinas, lion tamers, stuntmen, and of course clowns! Tickets will be sold at the door for 5 cents, and you can even by popcorn and drinks at our very own snack bar Doors open Noon!

Thurs. May 20th: Dinosaur Day

The kids will have a roaring good time crossing Dinosaur Ditch, making Dino-masks and Watching the movie Land Before Time, rated G.

Fri. May 21st: Kite Day @ Raynor Park

The morning will be spent designing and crafting their own flying experiment, and making their very own kites! We’ll head to the park around 11:00 to try them out. Pick-up on this day will be directly from the park. Please make proper arrangements
Mon. May 24: Music Mania, special guests

We will be having a surprise music group come to engage the children in music beats and nasheed. They will be crafting their own instrument of choice to take home.

Tues. May 25: Swim Day, @ Silliman Swim Center

All children must be accompanied by an adult. The pool is only 2 ft. deep, and children can be watched from poolside. Please bring come in swim clothes under school clothes and we will dress there. Please bring change of clothing and towels and lunch, which will be at the grassy field next to the center. This is an indoor pool.

Wed. May 26th:Camping/Pajama Party Day

We’ll be putting up our tents and grabbing our pillows to rest in the great outdoors (the backyard!) Storytelling, Pancake snack, and Smores will be a treat, and of course we will go on a nature hike!

Thurs. May 27th: Clean Up Day

The kids will spend some time cleaning out their cubbies and sorting artwork and toys. We will also emphasize the importance of cleanliness and hand washing. They will be making their own hand-soap to take home!

Fri. May 28th: Graduation, Ceremony starts at 6pm.

Please be on time for this very important occasion! All children must be present back at school by 5:30pm, and the ceremony will start promptly at 6pm. Please sign up for the potluck dinner. All families are welcomed to attend, invitation cards will be sent out beginning of May.

Back in March…
March began our in depth study of animal habitats. We reviewed what animals need to survive and deduced that animals had features and characteristics that were dependent on the environment around them. We spent time in the jungle, rainforest, and savannah distinguishing spots and stripes, animal homes, patterns on skin and fur, like our hexagon giraffes, and diamond back snakes. We chopped up some great raiforest salad, and became animals like tigers and raccoons. We also began our commitment to the environment by learning the the 3 R’s, recycle, reduce and re-use. We learned P paper as the children engaged in making their own paper out of recycled materials, and R for recycling, L for lion, and S for snakes and Z for zebra stripes.
Arabic included, the finishing of Surah’s Takathur and Lahab and starting Surah Humazah and Nasr. Letters introduced were, Tau for Ta-oos, peacock, Thau for Thabiyah, deer, Qaaf for Qimama, trash.

In April…to the end of May….
Spring brings us back into nature and closer to Earth Day! April started off with our Worm Week, we covered the letter W for worm, in felt slimey noodles, fed our own real worms in our compost bin. Composting is done weekly as the kids give left over foods to the worms. It was exciting to see the a banana peel in the 3 different stages of the process. We jumped into our last habitat the ponds and swamps to cover animals that can live in and out of water, like frogs (tadpoles), snakes and alligators. Reptiles and Bugs will be explored the rest of the weeks following spring break. We will also be involved in gardening, growing seeds, and taking care of the earth. Up till the second week of May, we will be finishing the English Alphabets, with N for nest, Q for quilt, U for umbrella, V for Volcanoe, X for Xylephone, and in Arabic: Kaaf for Kitaab, Laam for laqlaq, stork, Meem for Matar, rain, Noon for nakhlah, bee, Haa hilal, moon, Waaw for wardah, flower, Yaa, for yad, hand. By the end of May, Teacher Lubna’s group will have finished, inshaAllah with Surah Nasr, and Kawther. Teacher Miral’s Group will inshaAllah finish Humazah and Surah Fil.

Friday, March 12, 2010

March Newsletter

Assalam Alaikum, now in the home stretch… I’m sure these last three months are going to be a blast. We are jam packing our days with fun, excitement and field trips...not to mention some new classroom happenings. We’re kicking it up a notch and glad you’re here for the ride! Sit back and enjoy!

Important Dates/Reminders:

*please sign in and out…we don’t want to waste paper and licensing loves it!

*please take home artwork from cubbies, I’ve left bags outside if needed

*please let me know in advance of any changes to your child’s schdedule

Wed. March 3: Marine Science Institute $15

Wed. March 24th: Field Trip Happy Hollow Park and Zoo $8

Good News: Bad News: What’s the Plan Stan??

Alhamdulillah we are blessed to be moving to another home this summer. Unfortunately we will not be able to continue our preschool from that location. For the past two years, this school has been a passion for me and has brought upon so many wonderful experiences. InshaAllah your children will continue to success and many more self discoveries on their life journeys.

Last Month:

Splish Splash!!! Whales, dophins, octopus, starfish, and sharks… I don’t think there’s a creature under the sea we didn’t come across. One of the cool things explored during this theme was the focus on textures from slimey snails and fish, to prickly sea urchins and bumpy starfish, and smooth sleek sharks. It was exciting to actually go to the marine science institute and feel these animals in person. Our field trip to Seascapes was quite pleasant, it gave us a chance to see other sea creatures like turtles, crabs and eels, the highlight being taking home our very own fish tank and starter fish to take care of. The children love taking turns during the week feeding the fish, and soon, we will be adding some frogs and snails as we move onto the unit after the jungle, swamps and creeks! Math concepts of counting in Arabic and English were reviewed, and emphasis was given on the numerical picture and correlation with “how many is that” was made in Arabic. Also, animals like Ollie the Octopus helped us count, sharks eating minnows helped us introduce adding and subtracting which will become in the fore front of our math studies in the next few months. Also, Eric Carle’s book Mr. Seahorse introduced the idea of ocean families and the uniqueness of Allah’s creations. The Ocean theme is always a blast with the kids as they enjoy all the water and bubble play outside…even though it was limited to due to weather. At the seashore, the kids loved digging for actual sea shells and making their very own sand castles. Artwork taken home will include projects like, O for ocean (ocean viewer), J for jellyfish, K for kelp, slimey gaack, sea foam paintings (bubble art), aluminum foil sharks to demonstrate smooth texture, Arabic counting, Ayn for ayn: well, Ghayn, ghoroob, for sunset, faa for farse al bahar, the sea horse.

This month of March…

Be careful many wild animals will be coming your way as we learn all about Habitats! Specifically the jungle and forests. Animals spark creativity and self awareness as we explore Allah’s creations and how they interact with their environments. We will be comparing and contrasting things like spots and stripes, fast and slow, and fur and feathers. Math will be starting to include concepts of subtraction and continuing to build on basic addition. We will learn about respect to animals and caring for them, and Quran stories will include Prophet Nuh and Prophet Sulaiman.


“Bunni al islam…” the new song is loved and thoroughly enjoyed by all the kids. Touching on the “arqan” of our “deen”… it is one of those foundation songs that will be instilled in the hearts of our children. This month we will expand our singing to include yet another beautiful song in Arabic. Letter for the last month included Ayn, Ghayn, and Faa, this month we will be working on Thaw, Zhaw, Qaaf, and Kaaf. Teacher Lubna’s group has finished Surah Lahab and is moving onto Surah Nasr, while Teacher Mirals group is moving forward from Surah Asr, to Surah Humazah. They are also finishing up the Fatha sounds and starting the Kasra sounds of the letters.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February Newsletter

Assalam Alaikum,

Rain Rain Go away…. No, no, nix that…stay to replenish what we have used, and then come again another day… so my pre-k kids can go out to play!...Here we find ourselves in February, my my time flies fast, I find it hard to keep up sometimes! Happy reading!

Important Dates/Reminders:

Tues. Feb. 9: Field Trip to Seascapes Fish Store, Mountain View
Mon. Feb. 15-19th: Mid-Year Break, No School
Wed. Mar. 3: Field Trip: Marine Science Institute, Redwood City, $15
11:30-2:30, Please pick up children at 3:00 on this day.

*please log in and out
*take home artwork in cubbies

Progress Reports:

At the end of this month instead of parent teacher conferences I will be handing out progress reports to give the parents an idea of what has happened since the last conferences. After receiving these parents will still be welcomed to schedule an appt. for a parent teacher conference if needed.

Re-enrollment and Open Enrollment:

Re-enrollment will be offered to all students currently in the program. The deadline to re-enroll is March 15. After this there will be open enrollment to the general public which will be on a first come first serve basis. Please remember we have limited spaces available for next year, and they do fill up quickly. There will be a deposit of $50 recquired which will go towards your September tuition. Forms will be available after the Feb. holidays.

Last Month:

January was Rockin’!!!!, literally… experimenting with sound vibrations, trying to grow crystals, a rock hunt.. that was all cool, but nothing was as awesome as seeing the children’s faces light up as their volcanoes exploded…man… that’s what we want to see, excitement, enthusiasm, and the feelings of achievement the children feel when their projects come together! Dinosaur week was not too shabby either… earning their archeologist badges took some work, but boy did they deserve it. They dug to find fossils, which they “hypothesized” was a brachiasaurus because of the long neck bone… but put together the skeleton, and made plaster moulds of the bones, which was a lengthy but worthwhile process. We also reviewed our adding skills with our Dino-mite Dino-math! Well, as you see the projects come home, don’t be afraid to ask what was involved in making them, sometimes I can’t write about every detail in the class, but would love to share with you. Lastly, the kids were totally well behaved during the showing of Good night moon, and found the play quite entertaining and silly. As for Planet Granite, the pictures will be worth a thousand words, but I want to thank Liqa for her terrific climbing demonstration and skills!

This month:

We will be diving deep into the ocean blue to discover all kinds of sea creatures, the first week will focus on introducing some sea-life, location of oceans, and the letter O, the second week will revolve around knowing the ocean through our sense, mainly texture and sounds, the last week, will be about the beach and sea-shore. We will be acquiring our new “class pet” in Feb, to be chosen by the children, and a great opportunity to actually feel and see sea-life through the science institute.

Field Trips:

1. Seascapes: this is a fish store located off of evelyn in mountain view, the owner will be talking to the kids about salt water and fresh water fish, how to take care of them, and differences between fish and reptiles. The kids will help choose our class pet and we will be setting up our own school aquarium.

2. Marine Science Institute: The children will be taking a 2 hour tour of the tide pools and shore, and will be rotating between 4 centers in which they will be interacting with the marine life in different ways. The total cost of the field trip is $250.00, so I am asking the each child bring $15, to cover as much as possible, and inshaAllah the school will cover the rest. I highly encourage the kids, who do not regularly come on Wed. to participate for the very special field trp. All parents welcome to come as always. The timing will be 11:30-2:00, and we will expect to come back by 2:30. Pick-up at 3:00 for this day only!


MashaAllah, I am so proud of our children, Teacher Miral’s group will be finishing up Surah Takathur and will be starting Surah’s Asr and Humazah this month. Instead of surah review, on mon, wed. and fri, Teacher Miral has been focusing primarily on pronunciation of certain words and letters, and has been doing 3-Letter reading with the Fath-ha for the older children, including the half letters. Surah Review is done on tues and thurs, along with the vocab and letter review. Teacher Lubna’s group started Surah Lahab, and will cont. onto Surah Kawther, inshaAllah. The activity based listening centers have been key in helping them memorize so quickly and easily. Last month we did the letters Sheen for shaheena(truck), and Saad for sakhr (rocks), and Daad for dirse (back molar teeth). This month we will be doing Letters Ayn, Ghayn, and Faa.
The children are also doing well in speaking conversation style.. they so far can say: ma ismooka/ki, what is your name, isme ***, my name is **, kayfa halek, how are you, alhamdulillah, fine, ayna **, where is **, hiya/huwa hunna, he/she is there. We will cont. to practice this along with a new part to this conversation.

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 2010/Dec. 2009 Newsletter

Newsletter January 2010/December 2009

Hooray for 2010! Happy New Years to everyone, may the year be filled with positivity, creativity, and much learning! Can’t wait to see all of you next week, missing all my kids, and looking forward to an AWESOME new year. We’ve had many things updated in the class and some new classroom materials just waiting to be used! Inshaallah Monday January 4th will start school as usual, please take some time to empty out cubbies, update change of clothes/art smocks, and emergency cards when you come!

Important Dates:
Friday Jan. 8th: Ice Skating Vallco Park, admission cost: $12
Wed. Jan. 13th: Play: Good Night Moon, Santa Clara University $8
Thurs Jan. 28th: Field Trip Planet Granite: Rock Climbing, please sign waiver form and leave copy of driver’s license.

Welcome and Farewell:
We would like to send our sincerest wishes to Ismaeel and his family who will be moving down south. We wish the all the best and many blessing in their new home. We are also sending our heartiest congratulations to Abdulsalam’s family who were blessed with twins this past month. May Allah bless their growing family! Ameen. We would like to also welcome all our new students who will be joining us this new year!

Parent Volunteers: Can you help out? Let me know!
Lamination cut-outs, Activity Prep cut-outs:

Cut out pictures, words, etc. that will be used in the class activities,

Snack Shopping

Go to Costco/grocery store to buy snacks/supplies that need to be replenished. All will be reimbursed with a check.

Arabic Activity Prep.

Many of the Arabic games we use are made up, and we need help to cut-out pieces, glue, put together kits, etc.

Library Services

Pick up books put on hold, or search for books related to upcoming themes, drop off books, at Santa Clara Library

Flannel Board Stories

Cut out and glue pieces to flannel board stories ,make flannel backdrops

Last month:

Here’s a recap of Nov. and Dec.. November had us back in our community, looking into local spots and neighborhood helpers. One of the highlights of this unit was the creation of our own model city. Using wooden blocks, glue and screws and lotsa paint, the kids got together in pairs to contribute buildings and roads to the city. MashaAllah I was really really proud to see them create ideas from a plan on paper, intention, purpose, to an actual 3-D model. We made ginger-bread cars, and had fun with fire-safety. November brought us the idea of team-work and respect. Many of the art projects and p.e. games were focused on 2-3 people trying to achieve the same goal. We had 3 legged races, and tug-of –war being some of our favorites. The idea of togetherness was expanded to include our global community as it was the time of our blessed Eid al Adha. The story of Prophet Ibrahim was the foundation for building on trust and universal dependence on Allah swt. The children’s hearts went out to Hajjar and her desperate search for water. When all of this was translated into the obligatory acts of Hajj, the children not only understood what was going on, but they recognized the need to see all muslims as our Ummah!.
After Eid, we shifted gears into a fun experiment filled unit on water, ice and snow. We had 2 weeks of fabulous observations and “cool” art projects which included our penguins and shaving cream polar bears, rainsticks, ice balls, and sugar cube igloos. We postponed our field trip to the first week of January, to the ice rink, which I’m sure the children will love!

This month:
We will be off on a journey trekking thorough mountains and volcanoes. We will be studying rocks, crystals and even dinosaur fossils. We will explore the opposites of hard vs. soft and high vs. low. This unit will also include a Dinosuar unit, and explorations in sound, echoes and vibrations. We will be having 3 field trips this month, please be sure to keep track of the dates and let us know which ones you will be participating in.

Field Trips:
Ice Skating, Jan. 8th: We will be needing a 1:1 ratio for the children in order for them to have a great experience at the skating center. I am currently looking for any volunteers for Friday morning from 9:30-12 to join us at the Vallco Ice Chalet in Cupertino. If you know anybody or can come, please let me know. The cost for admission and rental is $12/child and adult. In case of any volunteer shortages, we may postpone this field trip one more time. Confirmation will be announced by Wed.

Jan. 13: California Theatre Center, Santa Clara University: Good Night Moon: Delight in this musical adaptation of the Margaret Wise Brown book that has been a favorite of children and their parents for over half a century. A small bunny goes through the gentle, reassuring ritual of bedtime as details from the wonderful illustrations by Clement Hurd come to life with lively musical numbers, colorful characters and tap dancing bears playing musical chairs in the Great Green Room. "Good night stars/ Goodnight air/ Goodnight noises everywhere!"

Jan. 28th: Planet Granite, Sunnyvale: To conclude our Rocks theme, we will be given a tour and a special rock climbing demonstration. All children need to have a signed waiver and a copy of parents drivers license, which will be returned to you. Children who are 40 pounds or more, will be allowed to attempt rock climbing.

Arabic: During November and December we added some great vocabulary: Daal: daira circle, Dhaal: dhikr: remembrance of Allah, Raa: raas, face, Zaa: zamzam: holy water, Seen: sahaab, cloud. Teacher Miral’s group finished surah Adiyat and Surah Qariah, and will be starting with Surah Takathur then Surah Asr. They are currently working on reading 3 letter words with the Fatha sound. We will be reviewing a bit more before starting the Damma sounds. Teacher Lubna’s group, finished Surah Ikhlaas, and will be moving onto Surah Masad.