Sunday, January 4, 2009

Newsletter January 2009

Assalam Alaikum

Wow, as we welcome in the new year, i give you my renewed commitment to Tazkiya Preschool. We have only worked harder to develop our interactive environment and holistic curriculum. InshaAllah i look forward to the second half of the school year. Have a great one!

Important Dates/Reminders

Friday Jan. 16th, Scholastic Book Orders Due
January-February: Open Enrollment for this school year
March-May: Open Re-enrollment and new enrollment for 2009-2010 School Year.

Recent Updates:
Alhamdulillah, we have accomplished a lot in the recent holidays. We now have a safe new climbing structure with swings, and new wall heaters as well as a heating unit in the play room. We also took the opportunity to get carpets cleaned and toys updated. All pictures will be emailed out in a private link, and newsletters will be available through this blog site. We are currently interviewing prospective teachers and aides to start Feb. of this year and inshaAllah continue in the upcoming school year. InshaAllah with new flannel board stories, arabic games/art, and upcoming exciting themes, we have a lot to look forward to.

Past/Upcoming Themes:
We ended the year with a dip into the cold weather. In our explorations of winter we conducted science experiments on freezing and melting using water balloons. We also discussed the differences between rain and snow, created unique snowflake designs and had lotsa fun with ice painting.
We will kick off the new year with a re-visit to "Where are YOU?", including spatial relationships (on, above, across), as well as putting themselves on a map and scouting out the world around them. Focus this month will include, "Sharing is Caring/Zakat", "Music, Harmony and Dance", and "Transportation". Toward the end of the month we will start our World Tour with our first stop to the jungles of South Asia.

Scholastic Books
New order forms for January will be in the cubbies. Please note that we now have Honeybee and Firefly orders that are geared only to Preschool Level. For all orders you may write one check to Scholastic Books. Book orders will be due Friday January 16th.

For the first week back we will be reviewing the surahs and letters covered so far. InshaAllah with the end of Surah Quraish, we will move along to Surah Fil. Please note, after we have finished with the next Surah Nasr, we will be going back to study Surah Fatiha and Falaq.

Newsletter December 2008

Assalam Alaikum,
InshaAllah you all are doing well. We're looking forward to the next few week and are all excited for the Haji's and Eid. I wanted to give you all some updates on the classroom activities.

Important Dates and Reminders:
*please remember to sign in/out
*check cubbies for accumulated art work and food.

Fri. Dec. 5th: All Scholastic Book Orders Due
Mon. Dec. 8th: No school, Eid Holiday
Tues. Dec. 9th: No School, Eid Holiday
Wed. Dec. 10th: School in session, Eid Party from11:30-1pm.
Thurs. Dec. 11th: School in session
Fri. Dec. 12th: No School, Holiday

Mon. Dec. 22-Fri. Jan. 2nd.: No School, Winter Holiday

Last Month... This Month...
We had a blast learning about the farm; not only did we learn about the animals, but we also did an in depth study of seeds sprouting, and how farmers plant crops. We also had a great time at Ardenwood farms. Inshaallah i will send out another email with pictures of class activities. We have also incorparated some arabic letters and vocabulary, such as Baa for baqarah, cow, and Khaa for kharouf, sheep.

This month we've geared up to get ready for a virtual Hajj experience. This past week we have set the backgroud through the story of Prophet Ibrahim and his sacrifices to Allah. We also have gone over some of the different components like staying in tents at Mina, and tawaaf around the Kabah. This Friday we will actually be putting everything together to have a real hands on experience. InshaAllah in the following weeks we will be focusing on our Ummah as one and extending the Hajj concepts of equality and brotherhood. We have done Kaaf for Kabah, and the letter M for the mountains of Safa and Marwah. Also, as we experiencing Hajj, we will be emphasizing spatial awareness through the ideas of: running "in between" 2 mountains, "around" the kabah, "over and on" the mountain of Arafat, "under" the ground, the well of zamzam, etc.

Arabic Updates
What we've tried to do is explain the surahs as parts of a story that are slowly coming together. The children have already established oneness of Allah and His attributes through Surah Ikhlaas, and how we seek protection from Allah through Surah Nas. After Surah Maun and Surah Lahab, the children have understood that in this community of Mecca, there are some good people like the Prophet (S)/muslims and some bad people like Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab. Now as they start Surah Quraysh, they are finally putting a name to this community, the tribe fo Quraysh who have been given the promise and safekeeping of the Kabah. From here we will move onto Surah Fil, about Abraha attacking the Kabah, and then Surah Nasr, Allah giving Victory to the muslims. InshaAllah in due time, they will start again with Surah Fatiha and Falaq, etc.
One of the major components of Arabic time has been the letter and sound games, surah musical chairs and the jumping games to promote interactive learning. In the past few weeks we have also added the art component, so please look toward the projects that have new vocabulary you can practice at home. Hand gestures are another major part of reinforcing the memorization process and the building of vocabulary. As signs are developed to convey meanings, and then repeated in the upcoming surahs, the children are really getting a good exposure to the arabic language. We are all really excited to see their progress in such a difficult subject matter.

Scholastic Books
Please make ONE check for all orders, payable to Scholastic Books. inshaAllah we will get them before the winter holidays.

Eid Party WED. Dec. 10th
This Eid inshaAllah, we will be having a potluck Lunch. So please bring a kid friendly dish to share. Here are some ideas: a dessert, drinks, snacks, pasta, chicken/rice... if everyone picks one type of category it will be a little easier for everyone. Please let me know as soon as you can. Inshaallah i will be providing the treats and gifts this time. We will be having some light entertainment with Surahs, songs, dance and puppet show (if we can get our act together!)

Eid Mubarak to everyone. Have a wonderful day with your families and friends!

Newsletter November 2008

We’ve had a great time last month diving into healthy foods and exploration of our bodies. We tasted an assortment of fruits and veggies for snack, dug right into pumpkin mush to count seeds and make pumpkin bread, and we had guest speakers to help teach us the importance of healthy choices and cleanliness. Thank you to Asma and Saira, the children were quite excited to have such an experience. We also took some time to measure our bodies in feet and “inchworms”, and make stone soup from real stones and vegetables we bought from the local farmer’s market. As we move into this month, we will be busy farmers growing our winter vegetable garden and tending to the farm animals. We’re looking forward to visiting Ardenwood Farm this Friday.

Important Dates/Reminders
*please sign in/out as it is a licensing requirement
*as weather gets colder and noses begin to run, please mind the spread of illnesses (remember if they got a fever, keep them at home!)
*please donate brown paper bags for our classroom Fall Tree.

Friday Nov. 7th: Field Trip, Ardenwood Farm, Fremont, $4/child $5/adult
Monday Nov. 10th: Veteran’s Day Holiday, No School
Wed. Nov. 26-Fri. Nov. 28th: Holiday, No School

**Open Enrollment**
InshaAllah we will be opening up enrollment again starting mid-November thru December for Pre-K Session 2 (From January-May.)

Upcoming Themes
A few changes to our theme schedule, we’ve extended our farm and cities week and will be moving toward a bigger picture of our world. This will be leading up to next month’s theme about Hajj and our ummah. We also be laying the foundations down for our trip around the world starting next year.

Missed Days
For any days the school is closed due to Teacher illness, there will be an opportunity for those days to be made up. For part time students they are welcome to either come a day they are off, or stay for a full day, with prior notification to the teacher. For full time students, we will look into suitable make-up times.

Scholastic Books
Alhamdulillah, the orders are in, it took a bit longer because it was a first time. The new order forms for November will be in their cubbies, and will be due in 2 weeks, by Nov. 21st.

Newsletter October 2008

Chilren are a “trust, placed by God, in the hands of his parents, and his innocent heart is a precious element capable of taking impressions.”
-Al Ghazali

… and you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so lets make it a positive one!

Important Dates and Reminders:
Children’s Discovery Museum: Saturday, October 11th, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday October 12th, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Kick Start Eat Smart Visit Rainbow Pizza and Market! Shop for pretend fruits and veggies in the farmers’ market, then design a pizza using what you know about eating a rainbow to stay healthy. You can find more colorful food ideas at We will also try some new ways to move. We might be offering Jazzercise, hula hoop fun, dance moves, or more!
Sat. Oct. 11th: Fireman’s Pancake Breakfast @ Station #2, corner of Wolfe and Arques.

Fri. Oct. 17th: Field Trip Farmer’s Market: 9:30-11:00am
TBA: Field Trip Grocery Store

Upcoming Themes:
This month we will be taking a closer look at our bodies. We will be doing activities exploring form our bones and brains to eating healthy and staying healthy. InshaAllah this month will be full of cooking projects and visits from fellow parents who will demonstrate eating choices and hygiene skills with the children. We will also be looking into how are bodies grow and change, through skills of observation, measurement, and comparisons. This will coincide with the changing of the season and a month long art project of our “Fall Tree”.
On the social front, we will be focusing on self intiative and independence. This will include self service for snack, and “complex” snack, ones they have to put together themselves. Also, children will be encouraged this month into home activities with their parents that they will bring back and share. They will also be asked to demonstrate the “process” they took to make the snack.

Last month:
We had a great time mapping out our family, community, and using imaginative role playing to learn about our community helpers. We also had a peaceful field trip to the masjid where they all got to help clean up the masjid and practice their surahs. They also were treated with kufi’s and scarves we will be using periodically in Arabic class.
One of the highlights of this month was the study of Ramadan and sharing with neighbors/friends. Also children collected stars to chart their good deeds and progress in becoming “better” in character. Stories included “The Prophet (S) and his neighbor”, and Abu Jahl’s treatment of the orphans (Suah Ma’un).

Alhamdulillah the children have memorized Surah Ikhlaas and are now finishing up Surah Ma’un. They are very excited and very receptive to learning through hand gestures and active games. InshaAllah this month we will continue onto Surah Tin (Fig). We also have been learning the letters alif for Allah, Baa, for Bismillah, and Raa for Ramadan.
InshaAllah Teacher Lubna will be joined shortly by Teacher Rokaya who will be working on Arabic Language exposure and comprehension with the children.

Newsletter September 2008

Assalam Alaikum,
We are so excited to be starting this year with the light of Ramadan shining over us! May this month be a source of blessing and an opportunity for all to better ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually? InshaAllah we have a bunch of Ramadan activities and our theme “Me, my family and community” activities planned this month. So let’s start exploring around the world, right here in our own homes and neighborhood!

Important Dates/Reminders:
Mon. Sept. 1 First Day of Class
Mon. Sep. 15 ½ Day of School, everyone done at Noon.
Fri. Sept. 26 Scholastic Book Orders Due
Tues. Sept. 30 Eid Party 11am-2pm
Wed. Oct. 1-3 No School, Eid Holiday

*Please leave extra change of clothing in plastic bag inside the cubbies.
*Please remember to sign in/out daily

Daily Routine
8am-8:45 Arrival/Welcome
8:45-9:15 Circle Time
9:15-9:45 Activity 1
9:45-10:15 Arabic
10:15-10:30 Snack
10:30-11:00 Outside Play
11:00-11:30 Activity 2
11:30-12:00 Outside Group Game
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Free Play
1:00-1:45 Quiet Time/Rest Time
1:45-2:30 Activity 3
2:30-3:00 Clean Up

This schedule is to help us to keep the day flowing. Please note that all timings are NOT set in stone. We will stay flexible with the times to fit the best interest of the children.

Theme Schedule
Please do not be overwhelmed with the theme schedule. This is NOT information to be transferred to the children and later tested. This is PRESCHOOL: A wonderful opportunity for the children to explore, ask questions, get dirty and just figure out what they are all about. It should be enjoyed at the children’s pace. So don’t worry if your child is not always choosing to participate. Learning takes different forms, and one of the best is in everyday PLAY!

Scholastic Book Orders
Take advantage of these awesome books available at such great prices. Please make checks payable to “Scholastic Book Club”. Books will be in approx. 2 weeks after the order date. This is an easy way to start your own home library and encourage the love of reading.

Eid Party
InshaAllah we will be having a fun filled day with games, nasheeds projects and food. Please sign up for the potluck on the parent bulletin board. All children in the program are encouraged to attend. All parents are welcome to join the fun.

Revised Holiday Schedule 08-09
Oct. 1-3 Eid Al-Fitr Break
Nov. 10 Veterans Day Holiday
Nov. 26-28 Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 11-12 Eid Al-Adha Break
Dec. 22- Jan. 2 Winter Break
Feb. 19-20 Mid-Year Break
April 13-17 Spring Break
May 25 Memorial Day Holiday