Sunday, January 4, 2009

Newsletter September 2008

Assalam Alaikum,
We are so excited to be starting this year with the light of Ramadan shining over us! May this month be a source of blessing and an opportunity for all to better ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually? InshaAllah we have a bunch of Ramadan activities and our theme “Me, my family and community” activities planned this month. So let’s start exploring around the world, right here in our own homes and neighborhood!

Important Dates/Reminders:
Mon. Sept. 1 First Day of Class
Mon. Sep. 15 ½ Day of School, everyone done at Noon.
Fri. Sept. 26 Scholastic Book Orders Due
Tues. Sept. 30 Eid Party 11am-2pm
Wed. Oct. 1-3 No School, Eid Holiday

*Please leave extra change of clothing in plastic bag inside the cubbies.
*Please remember to sign in/out daily

Daily Routine
8am-8:45 Arrival/Welcome
8:45-9:15 Circle Time
9:15-9:45 Activity 1
9:45-10:15 Arabic
10:15-10:30 Snack
10:30-11:00 Outside Play
11:00-11:30 Activity 2
11:30-12:00 Outside Group Game
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Free Play
1:00-1:45 Quiet Time/Rest Time
1:45-2:30 Activity 3
2:30-3:00 Clean Up

This schedule is to help us to keep the day flowing. Please note that all timings are NOT set in stone. We will stay flexible with the times to fit the best interest of the children.

Theme Schedule
Please do not be overwhelmed with the theme schedule. This is NOT information to be transferred to the children and later tested. This is PRESCHOOL: A wonderful opportunity for the children to explore, ask questions, get dirty and just figure out what they are all about. It should be enjoyed at the children’s pace. So don’t worry if your child is not always choosing to participate. Learning takes different forms, and one of the best is in everyday PLAY!

Scholastic Book Orders
Take advantage of these awesome books available at such great prices. Please make checks payable to “Scholastic Book Club”. Books will be in approx. 2 weeks after the order date. This is an easy way to start your own home library and encourage the love of reading.

Eid Party
InshaAllah we will be having a fun filled day with games, nasheeds projects and food. Please sign up for the potluck on the parent bulletin board. All children in the program are encouraged to attend. All parents are welcome to join the fun.

Revised Holiday Schedule 08-09
Oct. 1-3 Eid Al-Fitr Break
Nov. 10 Veterans Day Holiday
Nov. 26-28 Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 11-12 Eid Al-Adha Break
Dec. 22- Jan. 2 Winter Break
Feb. 19-20 Mid-Year Break
April 13-17 Spring Break
May 25 Memorial Day Holiday

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