Saturday, August 8, 2009

Newsletter September 2009

Assalam Alaikum,
Welcome to Tazkiya Preschool! We are excited to be starting school during this blessed month of Ramadan. May this month be full of dedication, sincerity, peace and blessings for us all… and may spirit of this month uplift us throughout the year. This month we will be discovering ourselves and getting to know each other with our theme of: In my heart. hPlease look to this website for monthly newsletters and updates/changes to our program. We also will be communicating through email and using a private Picasa account to upload pictures. JazakAllah Khair!

Important Dates/Reminders:

Mon. Aug. 31st: First Day of Class
Mon. Sept. 7th: Labor Day Holiday
Fri. Sept. 18th: Eid Party, In Class
Fri. Sept. 18th: Scholastic Book Orders Due
Mon. Sept. 21-Wed. 23: Eid Holiday
Sat. Sept. 26th: Eid Party and Back to School Day
Wed. Sept. 30th: Field Trip to Raynor Park

*last day to enroll is August 28th! Pleas make sure we have all your paperwork, immunization information and tuition checks! JazakAllah Khair.

“My first day!” :

Dear Mom and Dad,
I want to have a great day at school. I’m really excited to go, but I’m a little bit nervous too. Help me out, here are some things I need:
*Please walk me through the gate, and sign me in and out of the school.
*Don’t forget to bring my lunch, (I get very hungry!) My teacher will give me snack, (probably something healthy, but I’ll tell her I just want goldfish!)
*Oh yeah, my extra change of clothes, just in case I have an accident, or get too dirty
*How about you send me a picture of our family, so I can show my friends and teacher the people I love… and just in case I miss you guys too much, I’ll give your picture a hug!
*Wait, one last thing, please make sure my teacher has all your emergency information, and your cell phone number…I’m sure she’s very keen on keeping me safe!

Well, I love you, and don’t worry, I’m all growed up now!

Love…. Me!

Daily Routine:
8am-8:45 Arrival/Welcome
8:45-9:15 Circle Time
9:15-9:45 Activity 1
9:45-10:30 Arabic
10:30-10:45 Snack
10:45-11:30 Outside Play
11:30-12:15 Activity 2
12:15-1:00 Lunch/Clean Up

This schedule is to help keep the day flowing. Please note that all timings are NOT set in stone. We will stay flexible with the times to fit the best interest of the children.

Scholastic Book Orders:

Scholastic Books is an optional service provided by our school. The company offers books at low cost to the parents and rewards teachers with bonus points to get more books for the classroom and other learning materials. It is a great way to encourage your child to read and to build your own home libraries. If you do decide to order, please write all checks payable to “Scholastic Book”. Look to children’s cubbies, for the new offers every month.

Field Trip:

Since the children are new to the school, we will be having a simple field trip to the park to review safety and listening skills. We will be going to Raynor Park in Sunnyvale, from 9:30-11:30am. Please sign permission slip on the Parent Board. Parents welcomed to come. In general we will be having 1-2 field trips per month.

Eid Party & Back to School Day:
The last Saturday of September, the 26th, we will get an opportunity to meet again and enjoy the afternoon with all the families. Please bring a dish to share, and we’ll have games, treats and art activities for Eid. You will also get a chance to see your child’s work, and meet the teachers! On Friday Sept. 18th, will have our in class party, where the children will pass out treats for their friends. Please bring 10 of something (i.e. pencils, snack crackers, a picture they draw etc. nothing expensive, this should not be a burden to your budget!).

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